what is a Yoga

 what is a Yoga, Yoga details

Yoga is basically a spiritual discipline based on very subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and an art of healthy living. The word 'yoga' comes from the Sanskrit root 'yuj', which means 'to join' or 'yok' or 'to unite'.Yoga is a gentle way to improve your purity, balance and coordination. Yoga is a systematic practice of physical exercise, breathing control, relaxation, diet control and positive thinking and meditation aimed at creating harmony in body, mind and environment. According to the scriptures and his beliefs, Lord Shiva is the father of yoga. According to a poem written at that time, Shiva attained the level of complete knowledge about 15,000 years ago. Over time and over time, yoga evolved into what is now known as modern yoga.Global studies have shown that yoga and meditation can help you live longer. People who meditate regularly have an average 30% higher activity of the enzyme telomerase, a study found.

We can say that yoga gives a moral framework. And perhaps this framework is consistent with any other, which makes it very appealing to many yoga practitioners. Because, in the end, it all boils down to this promise of physical and mental well-being. And happiness. Yoga is one of the latest glories of India and today Indians consider yoga as their unique and valuable cultural tool. The wave of revival in political and social circles has made it a multi-purpose and popular practice. Although yoga is not a religion in itself, it is linked to religion, and historically to Hinduism, but also to Jainism and Buddhism. Both Buddhists and Hindus chant the sacred mantra 'Om' during their meditation. ‘Om’ is said to resonate the voice of harmony in the universe. 

The origins of yoga can be traced back to 5000 years ago in northern India. The word yoga was first mentioned in ancient scriptures called Word Gweed. Rishikesh is the yoga capital of the world and a large number of foreign students come there to practice yoga. Chennai is believed to be the home of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Temple, one of the most revered places to study yoga in India. There are currently approximately 50,000 registered yoga teachers (RYTs) and more than 3,000 registered yoga schools (RYSs). And these figures are in daily debate. There are also some popular ashrams in India that teach yoga and promote yoga.

Nowadays, yoga is considered as a good career choice among the youth. Many institutes across the country are offering yoga related courses. Yoga is an ancient art and teaches human beings how to stay fit and healthy. It teaches a person to experience inner peace by controlling his mind and body. This is how we can make our career in yoga. Yoga is believed to have originated in ancient India, in the United States, there were philosophers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, who first became involved with the philosophy of yoga in the 1830s. Yoga gained a wide American audience in the late 1800s. Yoga is a whole life path which includes Jnana Yoga or Philosophy, Bhakti Yoga or the path of devotional bliss, Karma Yoga or the path of blissful action and Raj Yoga or the path of mind control. Raj Yoga has eight parts of which only one part is asana. Yoga in Indian culture. Yoga is a way to learn and understand spiritual India. Also, yoga is associated with the culture and heritage of India. Yoga in Sanskrit means 'coming together' and describing the way to live a healthy life. In yoga, the mind is disciplined through meditation and the body is aligned and strong.


We will publish another post on yoga and its training information and places, please wait for the next post.

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